

setmeta1Dear visitor and beloved friends, how are you today? hope you ok and success for you.

For newbie likes me maybe it will be very hard work to build your blog to reach SEO and indexed with search engine likes google, many things i have to set.

Sames likes you i also dream about high unique visitor traffic, high pagerank, indexed with search engine likes google in page 1, and of course many advertiser will come to over their advertising and they buy your blog spaces to put their text or banner advertising.

To reach a high unique visitor, your blog must indexed by search engine, better in first or second page, it will easier for visitor to reach your blog, once of some methods to get indexed by search engine is by setting meta tags.
What kinds of meta tags i have to set? for newbie likes me it will be very confusing how to setting the meta tags?

Before i ever made a post about Meta Tags Introductions, in this post i will try to share you how to setting the meta tags and what kinds of meta tags?

For a website you may add the meta tags in all of your webpages, not only in the first index page, make sure that on every page relevant meta tags are added
For a blog you just have to put the meta tags in the main page.

Where you have to put meta tags codes ?
Meta tags codes is placed between <head> and </head> part in the website/blog, usually it is put in the top of page.

For example:

<meta content='News,Information,Issues,Gossips,' name=description' />
<meta content='Hot news, Latest news, Good information, Hot issues, Hot and latest gossips, Celebrities gossips' name=keywords' />
<meta content='Frontpage' name='generator' />
<meta content='All,FOLLOW' name='Robots'/>

Meta tag has two parts, first part is content part and second part is name part.

There's many kind of meta tags you have to set, here is the kinds of meta tags :

1. Meta tag "GENERATOR"
Meta tag generator also called meta tag FORMATER, this meta tag is description of the program i used building your website / blog to your metatags.
This meta tag set like this:

<meta content='program' name='generator' />

For example :

<meta content='Dreamweaver' name='generator' />
<meta content='EditPlus' name='generator' />
<meta content='Frontpage' name='generator' />

2. Meta tag "DESCRIPTION"
How do you explain your visitor in only 2 or 3 phrases what they can expect on your website/blog? You use the so called DESCRIPTION tag. Google speaks of Meta Description, Meta Descriptions or Meta description problems.
A well formed description tag will be shown directly by e.g. Google. That's why the description tag is also named the google meta description.
This meta tag set like this:

<meta content='text' name='description' />

description can be set more then 1 word/sentence separating by comma (,)
for example:

<meta content='News,Information,Issues,Hot gossips,' name=description' />
<meta content='Blog Tips,Blog Tricks,Blog Tutorial,Blog Stuff,Blogger Templates' name=description' />

3. Meta tag "KEYWORDS"
Over 80% of all online proceedings start with a search query, you browse to a search engine and you will fill out certain keywords that match what you are looking for. That's why it's so important to put relevant and correct keywords in your meta tags in the source of your web/blog page.
How do you make sure that your website/blog is found on internet if you fill out certain keywords? You use the KEYWORDS tag.
More than 80% of the people search a website/blog by filling out more than 1 keyword
It's very important that you use the keywords you want your site to be found under, in your DESCRIPTION tag. The more frequently a search engine spider finds a certain word on your website/blog and in your meta tags, it values that word as important. Your site will be positioned higher in the search index.
Try to give each page of your website/blog a relevant title, description and keywords that correspond with the text on your website/blog. A visitor will find the exact information within your website/blog, on the correct page.
This meta tag set like this:

<meta content='text' name='keywords' />

keywords may be set more then 1 word/sentence separating by comma (,) and space with maximum length is 200 characters.
For example :

<meta content='News, Information, Issues, Hot gossips,' name=keywords' />
<meta content='Blog, Tips, Tricks, Stuff, Blogger, Templates' name=keywords' />
<meta content='meta, metatags, meta tag, meta tags, submit, search engines, spiders, sites, submit site, search engine submit, website, submit website, add metatags, find website, be found on internet, keywords, keyword' name=keywords' />

4. Meta tag "LANGUAGE"
How do you explain in which language your website/blog is in? You use the so called LANGUAGE tag.
Does your website/blog contains pages in different languages? By adding index pages with different language tags you are able to adjust the language to the specific country.
This meta tag set like this:

<meta content='language' name='language' />

For example :

<meta content='english' name='language' />
<meta content='spanish' name='language' />
<meta content='indonesia' name='language' />

5. Meta tag "COPYRIGHT"
How do you explain that the photos and the text on your website/blog are protected? You use the so called COPYRIGHT meta tag.
You may add this copyright tag to all of your webpages/blog, so not only in the first index page. Make sure that on every page relevant meta tags are added. Add keywords and phrases that are relevant and correspond to the text and the language on that specific page. It might be a lot of work to add specific meta tags to each page but you will notice in time that it works!
This meta tag set like this:

<meta content='name of owner' name='copyright' />

For example :

<meta content='Bizril ™' name='copyright' />
<meta content='Bizril Corporation' name='copyright' />

In this session i just study about 5 types of meta tags, but there's still several meta tags that i want to share with you in the next post.

Keep blogging and got indexed by many search engine !!

Blog, Blogger, Google, Yahoo, Search, SEO, PageRank, Traffic, Meta Tag, Webmaster, Tool, Tips, Trick, Tutorial, Analyzer, Booster

16 komentar:

  1. Yeah at last reach first to comment.... Nice biz, i am following you... all the best...

  2. hello.....
    introduce me, i'm harry from ciamis...
    is my first time to visiting here...wow ur blog so good, i hope we can make a friends in here...and maybe someday i'll find something to learn in here. thanks

  3. Good info about meta tag.
    I will take it to my blog, please give me more advice to get a lots visitor to my blog.

    Thanks !

  4. Good info bos dan Misi telah saya laksanakan ta jitax he..

  5. nice meta tag info, o will try put in my blog

  6. nice info... kalo ada artikel baru segera kabari aku yah mas

  7. wahhh.. saiia gag mudheng sama meta kang.. yg saiia tau si metha anak pa aji tetangga sebelah...
    kang saiia ada pertanyaan mengenai RSS Feed... :(

  8. nice post....

    cz meta tag itu perlu!!! penting!!!

  9. BizriL™.9:23 PM

    @secret admirrer: thx 4 dofollow-nya!
    @Harry Seenthings: you're welcome friends, we're same nature,feel free here! hope usefull 4 u.
    @asep canda: thanks so much friend!
    @mike gyver: hope usefull 4 u, iam a newbie too,we can work together to get more traffic.
    @hendrie k_bejo: thannks a lot friend!
    @ocim: ok,use it in yours!
    @Mas Doyok: hope it usefull 4 u, you're welcome and feel free to come back anytime!
    @genial: thanks,you must learn if you want better!
    @discourse mesothelioma: thanks a lot!
    @ina: i agree ina, its very important, thanks!

  10. nice post...
    thanks for info...

  11. I found similar directions for this a while back and did add meta tags for my title, description. I don't know if I choice the best keywords for description; but it's a beginning.

    I hope you'll be a frequent visitor, you just never know where the suitcase has been or is going next.

  12. wow.. tips is very complete thanks.. btw.. masa sih tak ada backlinknya... pan dah di link trus dofollow lagi...

  13. But blog has different structure with website, how to apply meta tag to blog, I have tried apply metatag to my blog but, it couldn't and there was warning that the blogger couldn't save the template etc...So, how to apply it to blog ?


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