
Trick To Remove Blogger Navbar

Blogger navbar allows users to easily navigate to other random blogs and it also has a feature to search the blogs , and mark any blog as spam.

Now you have a clear idea of what really a blogger navbar is.So, why so many people prefer to just remove the navbar of the features it has like search, etc.

Many people think that, it spoils the look of the blog, especially if your blog has different subtitle layout which looks too obvious to see for a visitor.
Well, let me come to the actual point on how to disable or hide your blogger navbar.

Below is the step-by-step procedure on how to do it with photos to make it easy to understand.

1. Sign in to your blogger account, on your dashboard click the LAYOUT button next to your blog name

2. Next, click the EDIT HTML tab.

3. Find this code bellow :


4. Put this code bellow previous to code above :

#navbar {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

5. Save the changes.

Now, you can see your blog without that navbar(this tip can only hides the navbar, it doesn't completely delete it).

If you want the navbar to appear again,just remove that code and save the changes.

If you have any doubts, regarding this post, don't hesitate to ask. You can ask your doubts via comments to this post.

Note : Always backup your template before make a change

Blog, Blogger, Google, Alexa, Bing, Yahoo, Search, SEO, PageRank, Traffic, Meta, Tag, Webmaster, Analyzer, Tutorial, Tips, Trick, Booster

22 komentar:

  1. nice tips my friend.. keep sharing ..

  2. bagus bro..
    salam kenal ye..

  3. @draxc0la,@ajir: thanks a lot, hope be useful for you

  4. Good article... n cine blog

  5. Anonim4:59 PM

    mantap bro..

  6. ADMIN1:18 AM

    @iklan baris gratis,
    @Saung Link,
    @lerry: thanks a lot, hope useful for you.
    @nomplok : thanks, ntar coba cek

  7. nice post friend good job

  8. a great post my friend...

  9. ADMIN9:02 AM

    @asep canda,
    @oblos : thanks, hope useful for you

  10. blog idaman.. banyak iklannya.. hehehe..

  11. Anonim5:15 PM

    Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  12. Thank you for sharing this great information.

  13. thx buat inponya yah.... hehehehe

  14. Perfect brow! I will follow your way to do BLOGGING like this.. keren!

  15. udeh biz dah bangun gue wakakaka

  16. Nice tips....this is mr first visiting in this blog..plz added my link here and 1 do the same...

  17. pagi-pagi ngebloq... sambil nonto inbox sip banget deh hehehe


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