
How To Make Flying Ad

There is an opinion stating that the ad was part of income for a blogger, I did not deny it, because the ads on this blog can generate passive income for me.

Have you still remember my story on this blog about 5 Steps to Increase Google Adsense Revenue?

Maybe we have too many ads to put on our blog, but sometimes we rush to put the ad placed in the sidebar is not so good, because there were other ads, if too many ads in the sidebar of a blog made an appearance as chaotic, the trick is to display ad flying on the bottom of the blog page.

Flying ad much like footer but its static, because the ad did not come down when the blog page rolled up, but it always dwell in that place. The ad using close button, so it can be closed by a blog visitor.

To create a flying ad at the bottom of the blog page was very easy, just a same way to make a gadget in the footer section. Here's the full description:

1. Select Layout menu

2. Add a new gadget in footer section

3. Select HTML / Script gadget

4. Copy the following code and paste on a new gadget :

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {

<style type='text/css'>
div#btm_banner1 {
bottom: 0;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0.9;
left: 0;

div#btm_banner1 img{

<div style='height: 0px;'></div>
<div align='center' id='btm_banner1' style='height: 110px; z-index: 9999;'>
<div style='text-align: right; width: 750px; height: 8px;'>
<img id='closed1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0HZpnXI3bwuAPnvgbCfAqpRybaxgui-PIK9ldJ5U6jpeV2w1kb0PnyTWNUUdNO4wuVUFlZFENG3AY6Fy4x-dCxzPDJGXlhBmy9aBSjH_4-2gtwAPAVPIf7GFdAuKRPPwMMYRh5fs2WIh_/s1600/1350799346_Close.png'/>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>

<!--Put your ad code here -->


5. Replace "<!--Put your ad code here -->" with the ad code you want to display, for this flying ad I set width to 728px and height to 90px, according to one of the adsense ad type.

6. Save.

7. Done.

Now you can see the new ad flying at the bottom of the blog page.

Good luck!

alexa, google, blog, tip, trick, meta, tag, pagerank, seo, traffic, webmaster, analyzer, tool, search engine

10 komentar:

  1. Nice article my friend, thank for share......

  2. thanks sob ..dicoba dulu

    1. @Dhani Tri Kusuma: ama2 gan, ane mau kasih software RoboTraffic untuk 10 komentator pertama, itu juga kalau agan mau coba, link-nya dikirim ke mana ?

  3. Thankz infox, sangat bermanfaat broo...

    1. @Vicky Bankzat: terimakasih komennya, mudah2an manfaat buat kmu

  4. keren tipsnya..moga ga melanggar tos GA.

    1. ZuL : benar zul, moga2 aja gak melanggar GA TOS, tapi memang tampilannya keren, hehe...
      Thanks for nice comment

  5. bg, kalo buka di android muncul gak?

    1. @Yudha Abirangga: di android muncul, tapi kalo mau dipake iklan ukuran harus menyesuaikan


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