

In this few days issues about search engine optimization (SEO) is very hot issues and discussed many, even many global and popular search engine make a contest its called SEO contest.

2 days ago, I have confused about what is SEO?

I tried to find answers about the SEO, tried to search engines with keywords SEO, finally i found some websites and blogs that article about SEO and SEO contest.
According to sources that have, one way to improve the SEO is to add meta tags on each page on the website or blog.

Huh ..! confused again what is meta tags?
The result from browsing information about meta tags, some popular meta tags for SEO are:

<meta content="true" name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing"/>
<meta content="blogger" name="generator"/>
<meta content="internet business, home base job, making money online etc" /> name="description";/>
<meta content="internet business,home job,making money,blog,tutorial,template,software,tips,trick,meta, SEO" name="keywords"/>
<meta content="index, follow" name="robots"/>
<meta content="7 days" name="revisit-after"/>
<meta content="cxYZl01o4zZj76du2I+zCETGVgQuMnZxa5AjFS2UUtE" name="verify-v1"/>
<meta content="noodp" name="googlebot"/>
<meta content="d6fb0600fb99cd00" name="y_key"/>
<meta content="woyzer bizril bloggingbyblogger nuanablogger" name="web_author"/>
<meta content="EN" name="language"/>
<meta content="woyzer 2009" name="copyright"/>

below is explanation about meta tag :

Meta tag number 1:
Meta tag names MSSmartTagsPreventParsing, SEO for MSN (microsoft searching engine), leave should not have changed

Meta tag number 2:
Meta tag names generator, meaning that software to open your homepage or blog, eg. Frontpage, Dreamweaver, etc. = change content depend on your software, i used blogger he .. he ..

Meta tag number 3:
Meta tag names keywords, This is the most important meta tag, fill content with keywords that match the content of your website or your blog, eg. : Internet business, home base job, making money online, etc.
note, the number of characters is maximum content 200 characters, each word separated by, and space

Meta tag number 4 :
Meta tag names description, the description must also explain the important sum of keywords, eg. : Business, home job, money, etc.
writing content each word separated by, (comma)

Meta tag number 5 :
Meta tag names verify-v1, this meta tag for google SEO, to get this meta tag should join and add your blog or website to google webmaster

Meta tag number 6 :
Meta tag names robots, this meta tag is very important because this meta tag is most searched by search engines, meta tag content: index, follow
means the search engine robots has free entry to every page on your website or blog to search for content of the website based on the keywords meta tag, to let the SEO meta tag do not have this changed

Meta tag number 7 :
Meta tag names revisit-after, this means how long robots can return to your website or blog to explore the content of your website or blog in a matter of days, eg: 7 days
normally every 5 or 7 days robots back to your website or blog

Meta tag number 8 :
Meta tag names Googlebot, this is google SEO meta tag, content: noodp
I still have not understood properly what is noodp means ? he .. he .. but as the default, do not have this changed

Meta tag number 9 :
Meta tag names y_key, this is Yahoo SEO meta tag, join and add your website to yahoo explorer sites, discussion about joining and adding your website or blog to Yahoo was disscussed before, see : OPTIMIZING YAHOO SEARCH (SEO-TIPS)

Meta tag number 10 :
Meta tag names Author, actually this meta tag is not very important, only describe about the creator of the website or blog only

Meta tag number 11 :
Meta tag names Language, this meta tag describe about the main language used on the content of the your website or blog, I used EN = English

Meta tag number 12 :
meta tag names Copyright, actually this meta tag is not too important, only explain about copyright of your website or blog

Thats all about meta tag i knew so far.
Now you I need to change some part of that meta tags such as keywords and description, change the content of that meta tags with the article topics you post to your website or blog, note how writing and the number of characters !

Are your meta tags ready now ?
Now i get confuse again, where its must be stored? all the meta tags should be stored between <HEAD> and </HEAD> code in your website or blog
Sorry, i just can describe for the blog using blogger, he .. he ..

now you Login to your blogger, go to the layout, select Edit HTML

WARNING: Download or backup your template first before copying meta tags !! it might be some problem.

search the following code:


Copy of all your meta tags right below the above code!

save the template with click SAVE TEMPLATE

the process of adding meta tags is complete.

But please note, the addition of meta tags is not one of the main or key to increase your SEO or page rank of you website or blog, it's only a few things, the most important is the content of the post or your website or blog, you must post often and try to post article with using the appropriate keywords in the meta tag, because now search engines search more objective to your website or blog posting content than to meta tags.

Happy trying!

Blog, Blogger, Google, Alexa, Bing, Yahoo, Search, SEO, PageRank, Traffic, Meta, Tag, Webmaster, Analyzer, Tutorial, Tips, Trick, Booster

9 komentar:

  1. thanks your info bro

  2. Sama2 otto, thanks 4 coming and leave a comment, ntar gw comment balik di blog kmu. Thx ya otto

  3. Thanks boss ulin nuha for your comment

  4. mantab tuh kalo udah bener meta tag na, orang lihat lgsng meluncur ke tkp tanpa mikir kyk mau lihat pilm hots gitu, he hesupport me bro, bt test SEO, page 9 google.com

  5. Good post... thanks for your info..


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